Things Your Saint Bernard Might Find Edible
(but are not very good for him)
Cat Food Cans (Empty, Opened or Unopened)
This of course applies to any can that may have something edible inside, and don't be fooled by thinking that just because it's in a cupboard and just because it hasn't been opened yet, your Saint won't touch it!
Plastic Handles
It doesn't matter if it's a knife, a pan brush, a clothes brush or anything else - if it's got a plastic handle, it's tasty.
This is our collection of broken / chewed catflaps. Of course, they're made of plastic so we should have known better really!
Your once lovely and blooming tub of brightly coloured daffs is turned into a splat of yellow goo once your Saint spots them.
You will note from this picture that the door has a metal sheet covering down it's edge, it was difficult to find much of a door to fix this to.
Other Things
The list includes :- soft toys, wild mushrooms, crisp packets (full & empty), socks, towels, underwear, sellotape, sanitary towels, toilet rolls, cigarettes, floor tiles, sheep poo, rabbit poo, cow poo, skirting boards, a large piece of plaster rendering from one wall and one tin of bitter tasting anti-chew spray!
N.B. You should always endeavour to keep anything potentially harmful out of the reach of your dog.